
Kvadrat Acoustics solutions aim to achieve the optimal balance between recyclability, longevity, and functionality. As a result, they are ideal for you as architect and designer seeking to optimise the sustainability of buildings.

The panels are designed to be easily disassembled. This makes it simpler to recycle them, and therefore prolong, the life of the components. They can be disassembled into separate materials of three recycling categories for minimal waste: Metal, Textile, Mineral Wool*. Furthermore, there’s no glue, or other leftovers, parts that are hard to divide. 

The panels are 80,15% recyclable and our suppliers have the ambition of making all material recyclable by 2024*. 

*Source: Aarhus Affaldsvarme

Kvadrat Acoustics Soft Cells panels disassembly product images.

Disassembling your Soft Cells panels

Our panels are designed to be easily disassembled. The panels can be disassembled and sorted in material types ready to recycle. We supply guidance on disassembling our panels.

Download our disassembly guide
Kvadrat Acoustics Soft Cells panels disassembly product images.

Recycling your Soft Cells panels

Our Soft Cells panels are designed for simple recycling. Our recycle guide explains how you can disassemble them and sort the materials to be used again in new products. Recycling facilities vary between different municipalities and countries. Please check with your local authority to discover your options.

Download our recycling guides

Textile Take Back concept 

We encourage our clients to recycle end-of-life textiles responsibly in their local market, whenever possible. To support those in the EU who are unable to organise local textile recycling, we have launched a Textile Take Back concept in partnership with Kvadrat Really.

You contribute to the upcycling process by sending your old textiles to Kvadrat Acoustics production in Poland. Once received, the textiles will be carefully sorted and prepared for upcycling. Kvadrat Really will then transform these fibers into durable and timeless composite textile boards and tabletops. By participating in this upcycling initiative, you can give your old textiles a new life while supporting sustainable practices and the creation of long-lasting, high-quality products.

Request textile take back
Kvadrat Really Textile Tabletops insitu images

Increase resource efficiency, lower emissions

Our Textile Take Back concept leads to lower carbon emissions than incinerating textiles in places where recycling isn’t possible. We can confirm this, as we’ve calculated the difference in CO2 footprint from transporting 1 kg of fabrics from anywhere in the EU to Kvadrat Really compared to the CO2 emissions generated by industrial incineration.

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Circular processing

Kvadrat Really materials are engineered from end-of-life textiles. These come from production waste and leftovers from industrial laundries, the fashion industry, and Kvadrat’s production and supply chain.

The collected textiles are sorted into colour families and re-milled in Denmark. Subsequently, the fibres are either blended into standard products or used to create a base for second-generation Kvadrat Really materials.

Discover Kvadrat Really processing