Stephen Burks | Play

Curated by Jeffrey Bernett

Play is free-standing
Play is human scale
Play is portable
Play is effortless
Play hides things
Play absorbs sound
Play defines space
Play is colorful
526 red green
220 grey white
590 orange
960 green
840 blue white
596 red black
457 yellow
166 white grey

About Stephen Burks

Stephen Burks is an African-American industrial designer. He and his New York studio, Readymade Projects, have been responsible for creative design direction on projects ranging from retail interiors and events to packaging, lighting, furniture, and home accessories.

A ‘design activist’, he works with artisans from across the globe and supports sustainable design in the developing world through his association with two non-profit organisations: The Nature Conservancy and Aid to Artisans.
