
Adelaide, Australia


Kvadrat Acoustics solution comprising Soft Cells acoustic panels upholstered with Casita and Air 4 in diverse spaces.

Tom Blachford

Harmonic homage

The redesigned Adelaide premises of law firm MinterEllison integrates a Kvadrat Acoustics solution that helps to meet the vision of connecting visitors and staff. It also fits the light, harmonic interior concept, which pays homage to the office's position in one of the city's most celebrated Brutalist buildings.

The Kvadrat Acoustics solution promotes wellbeing, reduces noise, and enhances speech intelligibility in the reception, corridors, seminar rooms and meeting rooms. It comprises Soft Cells Broadline panels, upholstered with Casita and Air 4. They are installed onto a Unistrut substructure with magnets, hinges, and push latches.

Carr specified the Kvadrat Acoustics solution as it solves the acoustic challenge emerging from the hard surfaces characterising the interior. In addition, it aligns with their focus on prioritising sustainability through sustainable building design.

Critically, the acoustic solution also meets site-specific requirements: it perfectly fits the curved walls and seamlessly integrates lighting and speakers. Furthermore, as the Kvadrat Acoustics Soft Cells panels open easily, it also simplifies maintenance.

Erin Uphill, Interior Designer, Carr: "The client floor celebrates the surrounding Brutalist buildings by using concrete and local materiality through the limestone flooring. Such a solidity in our palette meant that, to create a welcoming experience, it was vital to optimise the ceiling acoustically. The Soft Cells acoustic panels were a natural choice."

The new offices facilitate a new working style for MinterEllison: while partners still retain private offices, most of the 145 workstations are agile. Framed vistas, strong forms, local materials, and dark detailing all celebrate Adelaide's Brutalist architectural icons throughout the space.