Casper Schwarz architects, DerksdenBoer interior architecture

Amsterdam, Netherlands


Wall and ceiling panels in Sunniva and Remix. Boardroom seating in Remix; restaurant seating upholstered in SuddenAlloyMinimal and Sunniva. Loose furniture upholstered with GalaxyHaraldSunnivaRemixGrid 2Steelcut Trio and Balder

Acoustics were a fundamental factor in the design process, when Casper Schwarz architects and DerksdenBoer interior architecture designed NautaDutilhs new Amsterdam offices. Reflecting this, a variety of textiles and different colours are used extensively throughout the interior.

Office and corridor wall and ceiling panels are upholstered in Sunniva and RemixRemix is also used on the seating in the boardrooms, and in the restaurant, where presentations are held, the seating is covered with SuddenAlloyMinimal and Sunniva. Elsewhere, GalaxyHarald 2Sunniva 2Remix 2Grid 2Steelcut Trio 2Balder are employed on loose furniture.

Our aim was to create a friendly powerhouse – a layered interior with aspects of both the historical and current identity of this international law firm. By selecting ‘off the beaten track’ materials and colours, and combining them in soft and rounded shapes, we have created a human environment that comforts the body and pleases the eye,” Casper Schwarz architects.

Balancing privacy and openness
On one hand, the tailor-made interior of the offices reflects the need for innovation, transparency and the exchange of knowledge; on the other, it integrates traditional values of hospitality, comfort and craftsmanship.

To create a balance between privacy and openness, the layout is based on a partial cell structure and wide routing that stimulates internal communication. This idea of balance is continued by combining functional and artistic elements.

NautaDutilh is an international law firm with offices across Europe and in New York. Their Amsterdam offices, which are designed by Casper Schwarz architects and DerksdenBoer interior architecture, are in a new building within the Zuidas district.

Image credits: Peter Baas

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