Garment – Ayzit Bostan (Germany)

Long dresses, cropped hoodies, kimono coats and layered skirts: all of these items of clothing are reimagined in Kvadrat Febrik textiles for Ayzit Bostan’s Garment. While work with fabrics and leather form part of Bostan’s day-to-day practice, Garment allowed her to explore textiles originally designed for a different application to that which she is used to, the project highlights the softness and drapery of Kvadrat Febrik’s Plecto and Uniform Melange. The flowing drape of Kvadrat Febrik’s textiles lent itself to the creation of unexpected volumes, allowing the creation of a mini-collection that pushed Bostan’s work out of the realm of expressiveness, and towards the creation of more architectural, voluminous forms.

Ayzit Bostan

Ayzit Bostan 是一位屡获殊荣的设计师和艺术家,常驻慕尼黑。 除了担任卡塞尔艺术大学产品设计教授外,她还于 1995年起开始经营自己的设计品牌,并生产年度时装系列。 她是歌德学院视觉艺术顾问委员会成员,并曾在 Design Museum Munich(慕尼黑设计博物馆)、柏林时装周和巴黎时装周上展出过作品。