BROK Festival | Felipe Ribon

BROK Festival was inspired by the Mexican piñata and similar traditions around the world, from the Danish game slå katten af tønden (‘hit the cat out of the barrel’) to the Indian festive tradition Uri adithal. While today the piñata is often made of decorated papier-mâché, traditionally the hollow form would have been ceramic.

The BROK Festival is a series of containers made in clay and embellished with Canvas. The purpose of the game is to break the object and release the small presents hidden within. To do so, participants have their eyes covered with a blindfold and try to hit the object with a wooden stick while it swings in the air. I believe this traditional folk object remains an important contemporary artefact for celebrations today.

Functionally, BROK is no different from the traditional folk objects, however the aesthetic is a complete departure. A cross-shaped ceramic body holding the gifts can be dressed in a combination of shaped and patterned textile ‘garments’, creating a family of possible decorative forms. Using Canvas as an ornamental covering, one can create a new set of shapes and figures for the game.

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Felipe Ribon

Felipe Ribon (哥伦比亚,1981年)先在Nantes的École des Mines学习工程学,之后进入巴黎École nationale supérieure de creation industrielle(法国国立高等工业创新学校,即ENSCI – Les Ateliers),并于2008年毕业。

在筹划新设计领域的过程中,Felipe Ribon避开了笛卡尔理性主义设定的界限,同时仍忠实于其领域需求。 这位年轻的法裔哥伦比亚艺术家/设计师所用方法的关键因素是对概念限制的抗拒、对先入为主思想的质疑,以及对明显事物的怀疑,他受多元文化的熏陶,这让他可以轻而易举地采纳令人惊讶的、非同寻常的观点。 他喜欢在新领域工作,并乐于打破规则。

Felipe Ribon与金匠Nicolas Marischaël一道,凭借二人作品Osmos荣获了2015年Prix de Liliane Bettencourt pour l’Intelligence de la Main大奖。