Simply Better Living | Stabil

To break rules, to play around with the normative and defined, always makes things more fascinating in the way we define our world. One could say that there is a kind of revolutionary potential in the world of objects. Every object that surrounds us offers – via its tactile and fixed parameters – the possibility of imagining it in other dimensions, other materialities. Precisely the one form that is the shape of the object at the end of the process gives us, as designers, the possibility to think of it otherwise, to think in worlds that are not ours. Instead of adapting an adaptation we simply take what we encounter daily and work with that. With these transformations, new refreshing possibilities of use emerge and the known world is widened. They offer a pleasurable alternative to the redundant everyday life of the world of objects.

Textile in general is a material that surrounds us all the time. The parameters of how this material is used are quite fixed. With our project, Einfach schöner Wohnen (Simply Better Living), we want to question those parameters and think of more or less classic textile products in a different way, and with that create new possibilities of use and a different way to look at those things.

Kvadrat design projects_portrait images


Stabil  由 Max Guderian 和 Clemens Lauer(二人均于 1990 年在德国出生)于 2014 年创立,他们在 Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design(Karlsruhe 艺术设计大学)学习时相识。

Stabil 自视为标志性设计团队和新型日常用品的设计师。

他们的最新项目是一家国际咖啡馆:一个让难民和当地人聚会的地方。 室内排满了为全世界所熟知的物品,因此整个咖啡馆不存在明显的文化差异。 2015 年,他们以 10 岁儿童的绘画作品为基础,将其作为系列设计构件制成家具物品,从而引发“到底什么是设计、谁能设计、如何开发以及有哪些替代方案”的问题。 在其设计中,一切都源于这个想法。 两位设计师仍持续不断进行研究,他们的作品延伸到了商用项目和非商用项目。 他们曾为 Chris Kabel (Guderian) 和 Richard Hutten (Lauer) 工作。