YOY is a Tokyo-based design studio founded in 2011 by Naoki Ono (Japan, 1981) and Yuki Yamamoto (Japan, 1985). They set ‘fictionality’ as their design theme, and design furniture, lighting and interior spaces. Designs such as their CANVAS chair, SCRIBBLE coaster, LIGHT lamp and BLOW shelves have been sold all over the world and their work is featured in the MoMA Design Store in New York. YOY have received numerous awards including a Red Dot Award for Product Design, an NYC x DESIGN Award, the Elle Decor Japan Young Japanese Design Talent, First Prize at the SDA Award, and a special mention at the Salone Satellite Award, Milan. Ono and Yamamoto have both held part-time lectureships at Musashino Art University since 2015.