
Sahco 2024 コレクションは現代的でありながら、200年前の伝統を継承しています。
Sahco 2024 コレクションは、豊かなヨーロッパの伝統に基づき、21 世紀の考え方でクラシックなモチーフを復活させ、再考し、北部のネオクラシズムとして知られるムーブメントからインスピレーションを得ています。 華やかさ 、洗練と、より控えめな北欧のエレガンスと美味しさを融 合させています。

Wild yet calm, emotional yet composed, grounded yet revolutionary, the Sahco 2024 collection triggers memories and manifests emotions, rethinking much-loved tropes and placing them in another context. 

Playing with dualities and implicit tensions, the drapery and upholstery textiles in the 2024 collection express randomness and control, flamboyance and restraint. Quality is paramount and longevity is a given. Colours draw on the Nordic landscape, infused with splashes of picnic red, apple green and evening pink along with foundational blacks and whites in all their intensities and shades.

As ever, balance is found through contrast. Like a bouquet of exotic flowers, precious buds and native grasses, the collection binds textiles with idiosyncratic or subtle characters into a cohesive whole. Each piece has a reason for being and is considered in the context of this collection and those of the past and the future.  

"A lot of people are searching for newness but I think greatness is a better ambition.
Our intention is to create products that have a reason to be.

Bengt Thornefors,
Creative Director Sahco