Met trots presenteren we Sport, 's werelds eerste gerecyclede polyester meubelstof gemaakt van 100% plastic afval uit de oceaan, ontworpen door Patricia Urquiola.

Lancering van door derden geverifieerde EPD's

Bij Kvadrat streven we ernaar om hoogwaardige gegevens te leveren over de milieu-impact van onze producten in elke fase van de levenscyclus. 

Others Will Know by Miriam Bäckström

Seamlessly blending with the intricate, curved architecture of the lower-level lobby at the Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Miriam Bäckström's inventive artwork transforms a simple textile swatch photograph into an engaging 36.5-meter tapestry.

Kvadrat around the world

Michelin-starred Restaurant Äng incorporates Kvadrat Lavo rug and Moss upholstery, and a Kvadrat Acoustics solution within its sustainably designed interior to deliver a comfortable, serene experience for guests.

Typologies unfolds the diversity and potential of the Residential collection and draws attention to exciting new viewpoints. Classified as four styles with matching interior scenarios and colour concepts, Typologies illustrates how shifting perspectives can reinvent the familiar.

Ame is an upholstery textile designed by Teruhiro Yanagihara that embodies longevity and mindful reuse in its construction and aesthetic. It is the first Kvadrat textile woven with recycled polyester made entirely from textile waste, and features a design inspired by Sashiko, a traditional Japanese mending technique.