Background(s) | Maria Jeglinska

The temporary wall as a backdrop.

When working on exhibition designs, I often have to deal with the challenge of designing the background in such a way as to highlight the exhibited artefact.

Background(s) is a series of large and small panels hung from the ceiling and connected to each other to form a continuous large surface. It can be freely arranged in space to respond to social forms and encourage human interaction. Neither object nor architecture but an extension of both, Background(s) is a spatial device that frames situations. It can contain, divide or be rearranged, and exposes everyday events through colour, surface and tactility.

As a design material, textile has the great advantage of being easily scaled: from micro to macro. The weave structure of Canvas lends itself to vibrant, geometric, cut-out figures, which are then sewn onto the surface of the large panels. The order of panels can be continually repositioned.

Profile image - MariaJeglinska_-®Kasia-Bobula_Low_Kvadrat design project_My Canvas

Maria Jeglinska

Maria Jeglinska (法国,1983年)于2010年在伦敦成立了她的Office for Design & Research。 她2007年自ECAL的工业设计课程毕业并获得宜家基金会提供的奖学金,她籍此曾为巴黎Galerie kreo、慕尼黑Konstantin Grcic和伦敦Alexander Taylor工作。

在设计领域,Jeglinska从事包括工业设计项目、展览设计和研究型项目在内的各种委托项目。 其客户包括Ligne Roset、Cinna、Actus、1882 Ltd、St Etienne Design Biennale(St Etienne设计双年展)和华沙现代艺术博物馆。

下列机构经常展出或曾展出其作品:Noailles别墅和蓬皮杜中心梅斯分馆(法国);Aram艺廊和Barbican艺廊(英国);以及Triennale di Milano(米兰三年展)。 她为波兰Lodz Design Festival(Lodz设计节)策划和设计了Ways Of Seeing/Sitting(2012年),为2012年度London Design Festival(伦敦设计节)和2013年度ICFF共同策划并设计了Wonder Cabinets of Europe,并为2016年度London Design Biennale(伦敦设计双年展)开幕式设计了波兰展馆。