Catwalk Bench | BCXSY

The Canvas textiles possess the enchanting characteristic of providing a variety of different impressions, depending on the distance and angle from which they are viewed. This, along with Giulio Ridolfo’s references to haute couture in his conception of Canvas, has inspired us to design a furniture piece featuring movement and a constantly changing appearance.

The Catwalk Bench takes an uncommon approach to upholstery, wherein the textile is displayed as a revolving loop – somewhat reminiscent of a manually operated conveyor belt – rather than resting static. Bit by bit, all the various colourways of Canvas appear and move across the surface of the bench like a vivid fashion show, highlighting the tonal relationships and harmonies within the collection.

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BCXSY 是一间位于阿姆斯特丹的跨领域工作室,由设计师Boaz Cohen(以色列,1978年)和Sayaka Yamamoto(日本,1984年)合作创立。 2007年以来,BCXSY在荷兰内外开展了各种项目。 该工作室均衡综合各种才能,采用的方法注重个人体验、人与人之间的互动和情感意识。 将特定/定制与通用/商业巧妙结合,这是其实践的特点。 该工作室因致力于社会责任项目获得国际认可,其屡获殊荣的作品曾在多场著名的设计活动中亮相。 BCXSY的设计被许多机构竞相收藏,这些机构包括伦敦Victoria & Albert博物馆、上海玻璃博物馆和TextielMuseum in Tilburg(蒂尔堡纺织品博物馆)。 通过参与各种手工艺研讨会和商业计划,BCXSY曾与H. Stern、J. & L. Lobmeyr、飞利浦照明、Spazio Rossana Orlandi、Wallpaper*、Domaine de Boisbuchet以及Calico Wallpaper等合作伙伴组织共同开发项目。