The Principles of Hiding | Butternutten AG

The Principles of Hiding translate functional and formal aspects of military objects into a domestic context. Between design and strategy, the Principles explore the dynamics of comfort, protection, defence and danger in our daily lives.

The first Principle of Hiding can be used in a similar way to camouflage netting: a broad mesh net designed to be thrown over objects or areas. When having unexpected guests, the throw might be used to conceal disorder. Unlike traditional camouflage netting, the texture is not created by cutting into a textile surface, but by generating volume: Canvas is formed into tubes around ropes, which, when pulled, allow the net to be smocked. The covered arrangement becomes almost sculptural, but individual items can be recognised under the throw with the coloured surfaces of objects shimmering through the adjustable grid, allowing the user to experience the ‘Principles of Hiding’.

The second Principle of Hiding has a practical and formal function inspired by ballistic blankets. The tear, bite, cut and shock-resistant blanket transfers the age-old quest for protection into the home. The inner lining of the blanket is a cut-resistant textile, made from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and other technical fibres.

The viewer won’t recognise the blanket as a protection tool, and the user will experience it much like a conventional blanket: Canvas textile covers all of the functional, technical material. In a way, it’s a more passive act of running for shelter: most of the time the blanket is used you won’t be expecting an attack. But if something happens, you’re protected.
Kvadrat_My Canvas_Design Project_Designer profile_Butternutten AG

Butternutten AG

Butternutten AG 由Oliver-SelimBoualam (德国,1992年) 和Lukas Marstaller (德国,1993年) 经营的一间卡尔斯鲁厄/马拉喀什设计工作室。他们称自己提供的是“超级设计服务”。两人于卡尔斯鲁厄艺术与设计大学相似后,开始一起创作音乐和担任DJ,之后又合作组建了Butternutten AG。他们的创作介于艺术和设计之间,总是在寻找有趣和不寻常的东西,作品也总是包含玩味和实际的元素。

Butternutten AG 的作品曾在德国维尔莱茵的维特拉设计博物馆、丹麦哥本哈根 Etage Project、法国诺埃耶别墅、德国慕尼黑 Lothringer 13、中国杭州民间艺术博物馆、 MAK (奥地利维也纳应用艺术/当代艺术博物馆)、荷兰海尔恩市 SCHUNCK *博物馆和ZKM (德国卡尔斯鲁厄艺术和媒体中心) 展出。2017年,Boualam和Marstaller在意大利Villa Lena担任驻村艺术家。最近,该工作室的设计作品入选2017年设计智慧奖100强,并在德国设计委员会主持的第二届2016年 Pure Talents 大赛中名列第二。