Glittering Performance

Karhard Studio Berlin



软装面料:Kvadrat的Harald 3、Gentle 2、Patio、BalboaEpic 4,Sahco的Avalon
窗帘:Drops Acoustic

Sony Entertainment和Sony Music Publishing柏林总部信奉“glamour punk”(华丽朋克)美学,并采用一系列Kvadrat面料。 内饰借鉴了该场所的音乐传统,并为工作人员和音乐家提供经过声学优化的、技术先进的环境。

该总部采用的理念由声学专家和媒体规划人员共同构思创建。 它包括多功能的酒店式空间和一间设备齐全的音乐工作室,采用高品质且经久耐用的斯堪的纳维亚家具布置。 家具选择考虑了可持续性(尤其是供应链可追溯性)和耐用性。

总部的Crown座椅以Patio、Gentle 2和Harald精心布置,这些面料也用于布置长椅和墙面板。 建筑师团队还指定以Epic 4布置座椅、以Balboa布置Pump沙发、以Avalon布置扶手椅和高座长椅。 此外,作为办公室标志性元素的电话间则结合采用Avalon、BalboaGentle精心布置。

在整个建筑中,由Drops Acoustic制成的窗帘可确保最佳协作环境和技术要求高的设备的操作。 在大堂,其定制的色彩渐变效果独具特色。

Karhard Studio的CEO兼合伙人Alexandra Erhard: “我们寻求具有缤纷色彩的高品质面料。 我们在Kvadrat找到所需,这里应有尽有。”

该总部内饰理念别具一格:采用经久耐用的可持续材料以及出人意料的、在办公室中通常不会见到的材料,例如水磨石和不锈钢瓷砖。 此外,专门开发了许多表面,包括由热处理钢材制成的所有内门。

Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.
Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.
Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.
Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.
Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.
Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.
Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.

摄影师: Stefan Lucks

Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.
Sony Entertainment and Sony Music Publishing's Berlin headquarters follows a "glamour punk" aesthetic and features a scale of Kvadrat textiles. The interior references the site's musical heritage and provides an acoustically optimised, technically advanced environment for colleagues and musicians.  The concept for the headquarters was conceived with acoustic specialists and media planners. It comprises multifunctional, hotel-like spaces and a fully equipped music studio, which are populated by high quality, long-lasting Scandinavian furniture. This is selected with sustainability – notably traceable supply chains – and durability in mind.
