Kvadrat ReThink


Calling Architects and Designers!

April, 2021

It is now a year since the majority of us were abruptly thrown into ‘WFH’, ill-prepared and with no support. Learning from the pandemic and its aftermath, ReThink will explore the latest research and ideas about work – in the office, at home, and in between. At the moment the focus is on how companies are adapting their own spaces for changing needs. However, just as much thought needs to go into adapting homes for work and there are many questions to be asked about the role of the company in supporting this. As we embark on our mission we’d like to hear from architects and designers how those of you in the business of designing spaces have adapted, transformed or hacked your homes to create a place to work, and how this period has informed your idea of what the perfect home workplace could be.


Homeworking is a call to designers and architects to submit a photo of your current homework set-up, together with a visual and short text describing your ideal workplace and how your experiences of the pandemic period have informed this.


Please send maximum two visuals together with a short text (no more than 150 words) to kvadratrethink@kvadrat.org and sign up to our newsletter on www.kvadrat.dk/en/newsletter by 27 May 2021. The entry that is most intriguing or impressive to the Kvadrat ReThink team will win 2000 Euros worth of Kvadrat products.*


*Subject to our terms and conditions