Net-zero begins with committing to the SBTi

In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that the global temperature must not rise above 1.5°C to avoid irreversible consequences as a result of climate change. As Kvadrat, we are aware of the imperative role we have to play: we must take immediate action and adopt a net-zero transition plan. Through our commitment to the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi), we are taking proactive steps towards reaching net-zero by 2040. 

An initiative rooted in science 

Our decision to commit to the SBTi stems from recognizing its credibility and effectiveness in driving meaningful climate action. In line with climate science, the SBTi offers a framework outlining how much and in which timeframe we need to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mitigating our impact on climate change. By adopting SBTi's guidelines, we ensure that our actions are based on robust scientific evidence, providing a strong foundation for achieving net-zero emissions.

Kvadrat (60500) Kvadrat textiles (480) Kvadrat showroom (320)

What are the SBTi targets?  

Science based targets consist of near-term and long-term targets. Near-term targets typically outline the efforts that companies will make to reduce their emissions over the next 5 to 10 years, with the aim of achieving significant reductions by 2030. These targets often focus on scope 1 and scope 2 emissions (i.e. emissions that companies produce directly or generate through the provision of energy), and partly on scope 3, which relate to more indirect emissions. 

While near-term targets are crucial to achieving fast decarbonisation and ensuring we stay within the global emissions budget, long-term targets are equally important, typically covering 10 years from the date of submission. They set the ultimate destination of our decarbonisation journey and indicate the level of emissions reduction required to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040. 

Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec_OUI_Ebeltoft Kvadrat HQ_2021_Shot by Elizabeth Heltoft

The advantages of committing to the SBTi 

The SBTi membership strengthens Kvadrat's position as a sustainability leader and accelerates our progress towards a greener future. 

Committing to the SBTi provides a clear roadmap for Kvadrat’s journey towards net-zero, enabling us to set science-based targets with specific, achievable and measurable objectives. Moreover, through the SBTi, we are able to demonstrate transparency and accountability in our emissions reduction efforts, inspiring trust among our stakeholders.

Our commitment distinguishes us as a responsible and forward-thinking organization that follows and fosters reliable and verifiable sustainability practices.  

Learn more about SBTi