

Trapped in heaven is a sculptural calligraphic curtain that is intimately intertwined with one of the artist's most profound artworks, a heartfelt collaboration with his father, Phung Vo. 


In his quest for spiritual fulfilment, Phung Vo hand-copied a loving farewell letter dating back to 1861. This melancholic yet serene letter was originally written by the missionary and French Saint Théophane Vénard, while he awaited execution for heresy in a Vietnamese prison. Through repetition, he turned this letter into a form of prayer and an artwork.

Engaged in his father’s work, Danh Vo visited Théophane Vénard's birthplace, a country house in rural France, and stumbled upon a quote on the walls:




This striking quote adorns Trapped in heaven in bold, graceful calligraphy.
The sentence captures the essence of sacrifice surrounding the martyrdom of Saint Théophane. It is an urge to yield all earthly bonds, matters of the flesh, virtues, and vices, in order to answer the divine call and start the sacred journey.

Danh Vo_Trapped in heaven_Installation_Berlin_Kvadrat_2023_Photo by Jannick Pihl Rasmussen
Danh Vo_Trapped in heaven_Installation_Berlin_Kvadrat_2023_Photo by Jannick Pihl
Danh Vo_Trapped in heaven_Installation_Berlin_Kvadrat_2023_Photo by Jannick Pihl Rasmussen
Danh Vo_Trapped in heaven_Installation_Berlin_Kvadrat_2023_Photo by Jannick Pihl


Trapped in heaven

Trapped in heaven


