Successful Partnerships


We are committed to a sustainable and ethical approach to manufacturing, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal 10, Reduced Inequalities. We strive to provide value chain transparency and traceability, seeking collaborations with partners who are aligned with Kvadrat´s Code of Conduct. Our ambition is to ensure both ethically and environmentally conscious conduct across our supply chain.  

We will continue to work with partners who are striving for inclusive change. Kvadrat is committed to ensuring all our collaborators are aligned with our commitments, such as the UN Global Compact's Ten Principles on human and labour rights, environment and anti-corruption. Transparency around labour practices, manufacturing processes and the provenance of our raw materials will support our development as a regenerative business.


Our targets

Wooltex production images by Alastair Wiper.

We will work towards complete value chain transparency by 2030

We will create strategic partnerships with 20 tier-one suppliers to become our key sustainability ambassadors by 2025*

Braid inspirational image

We will screen tier one suppliers to safeguard fair wages and responsible production by 2025 ​

Inspirational images of Naveli by Doshi Levien

We will engage with the design and architecture industry in at least 4 yearly sustainability knowledge-sharing events by 2025​


Our 2023 performance highlights


Rug weaving technology breakthrough 

In collaboration with our production partner Kvadrat Weaving, we have developed a patent-pending technique that grants us the ability to produce tufted rugs without adhesives and the requirement for a secondary backing. This production technique reduces the need for virgin materials and chemicals during production and simplifies the recycling processes at the end of the rugs’ lives. 

New dyehouse reduces water usage by 20% 

By embracing innovative production methods and the replacement of old dyeing and finishing machines, our wool production partner Innvik in Norway has achieved a 20% reduction in water usage. This reduction is primarily driven by the reuse of hot water used during the dying process for rinsing yarn. 

Wooltex drives resource efficiency and waste reduction 

On our journey to eliminate the use of virgin plastic and minimise waste, the integration of a new spinning plant at our weaving mill Wooltex has allowed us to significantly reduce our virgin packaging by 15 tonnes. Specifically, it has enabled us to reuse plastic cones, pallets, and cardboard between the weaving and spinning sites.

Kvadrat Sustainability Report


Conscious Design

Conscious Design


Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities