HAVE A SEAT | Mimi Jung

To highlight the multiple colours of yarn that comprise each Canvas colourway, the textile is deconstructed strand by strand to expose the warp. This partially deconstructed roll of Canvas is then used to upholster a series of connected seats. The intact portions of the textile create usable seating, while the deconstructed areas form an unusable ghostly seat. HAVE A SEAT is a commentary on the universally practised code among strangers of leaving an empty space between them whenever possible: it is an exploration of the desire for personal space in public settings.

Kvadrat design projects_portrait images

Mimi Jung

Mimi Jung (韩国,1981 年出生)曾在 Cooper Union(纽约)和 HGK Basel 学习。 她的作品探讨了自我保护的多个维度,尤其是与私下和公开自我表述有关的自我保护,以及通过社会和文化传统来体现这些表述的方式。 她构造的形式具有固定的空隙和透明度,但绝非静态:观者将自发掌控围绕和透过作品所得的体验,并内省其自身的行为。 最终,Jung 对空间的生动描述具有反身性:人们根据自身先入为主的经验获得观感,“相由心生”。

Jung 的作品曾在纽约市议会厅、Les Gens Heureux(哥本哈根)、Design Miami(迈阿密)和 Collective Design Fair(纽约)展出。 她生活和工作于洛杉矶。