Layers | Cheng-Tsung Feng

I want to create gentle, soft furniture. By using multiple layers of textile to accumulated thickness, I have transformed parts of hard furniture into something soft. The role of the drawer as a container made me think imaginatively about different kinds of containing objects, such as a bag, pocket, wallet, kangaroo’s pouch, bed and so on. I thought that it could be interesting if I transformed the container within the wooden table into a soft component, and gently connected the two elements by sewing, to make a strong contrast between wood and textile. The wooden part is hard, rational and clear, while the textile part is soft, sensual and blurry. The layers of textile also offer a special edge, just like the pages of a book, which is very attractive to the hands. Presented within one tactile item is the contrast between soft and hard, clear and blurry, rational and sensual.

Kvadrat design projects_portrait images

Cheng-Tsung Feng

Cheng-Tsung Feng是一位国际知名设计师,工作地点位于台湾。 他于2013年创立了自己的工作室和个人品牌,目前作品专注于竹制工艺品、产品和图形设计。 Feng还曾从事展览策展人、作家和教师工作。

Feng虽然年轻,但正如他所说的那样,他拥有“古老的灵魂”:他对探索传统物品蕴含的智慧兴味盎然,并将其视为珍贵的宝藏进行挖掘。 为了保留此类物品的本来智慧,他从古老的工艺中学习传统技能,之后将其改造用于现代设计。 Feng从过去撷取元素,并将其带入现在——以及未来。